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Yoghurt. Natural strategy for health
Autor: Dr. Daniel Ramon Gutierrez Rodriguez
Publicado: 20/05/2008

Consumption of yoghurt reduces the population of harmful bacteria in the intestine provoking a reequilibrium of bacterial intestinal ecosystem of every individual, increasing the quantity of lactic beneficial bacteria and diminishing the number of bacteria of the group bacteroides and Prevotella, specially Bacteroides vulgatus, which is associated with carcinogenic processes and inflammatory intestinal diseases.

Yoghurt. Natural strategy for health

Translation: Susana Carrillo – Mi Despacho Virtual

Yoghurt. Natural strategy for health.

Consumption of yoghurt reduces the population of harmful bacteria in the intestine provoking a reequilibrium of bacterial intestinal ecosystem of every individual, increasing the quantity of lactic beneficial bacteria and diminishing the number of bacteria of the group bacteroides and Prevotella, specially Bacteroides vulgatus, which is associated with carcinogenic processes and inflammatory intestinal diseases.(1)

Natural yoghurt can help to attack halitosis, caries and diseases of gums, the key takes root in some active bacteria that yoghurt contains, specifically the Lactobacillus bulgaricus and the Streptococcus thermophilus. (2)

Consumption of 90 grams of yoghurt two times a day for 6 weeks, provokes a decrease of levels of sulphur of hydrogen or other substances that contribute to the evil breathe. (3) Some authors have studied that consumption of yoghurt can stimulate the immune system, specially in elders. They found that voluntary that consumed the milk that was containing the bacterium of yoghurt had experienced a stimulation of the inmunitary activity, which in opinion of the authors can mean a major aptitude to fight against the microbial infections and maybe against virus and cancerous cells. Those who took the milk without the bacterial strain showed very slight increases of the inmunitary activity. (4)

Prevention and treatment of diarrhea is one of the benefits contributed by prebiotics. There are some diarrheas that owe to the intolerance to lactose and that it is necessary to do are not to stop taking lacteal but to introduce yoghurt, the best tolerated product. Also the administration of milk fermented with alive bacteria has a protective effect both in the duration and in the intensity of the diarrheas provoked for rotavirus, the most infectious agent in the first years of life, as well as in the provoked ones for the ingestion of antibiotics. (5) 

Yoghurt improves gastric evacuation, increases level of calcium in the organism, increases intestinal flora and improves immunological system. This one possesses also clinical beneficial effects, as a major tolerance to milk, reduction of cholesterol and of hypertension and prevention of uretrals and vaginals infections, reduces the risk of suffering certain carcinogenic tumors, as that of breast, colon and rectum. Yoghurt improves immunity of anorexics.

Yoghurt contributes calcium, proteins of high quality, vitamins and carbohydrates, but its principal advantage is the improvement of the defenses of the organism, in general, and of the nervous anorexics, especially, for what forms a part of the treatment of these patients since they are entered. This lacteal product modulates the intestinal function and the immunological system of the patients, who present serious imbalances caused by anorexia, beside preparing to the organism for assimilation of nutrients and preventing them from suffering from diarrheas when they begin to consume other food.

The lactic bacteria of yoghurt reinforce the organism, so that help to prepare the appearance of infections and posterior allergies in persons submitted to a nutritional treatment based on three yoghurts diaries. Yoghurt is one of the products best accepted by the patients, by its low caloric content, though the best diet for these patients is a varied nourishment, and it added that the key to solve the problem is a good nutritional education. (6)

The habitual consumption of yoghurts - two daily - anticipates the appearance of gastroenteritis and help in the recovery of anorexic patients, both alive bacteria that yoghurt-Lactobacillus bulgaricus contains and Streptococcus termophilus - are the persons in charge of these benefits because they act as regulators of the intestinal flora. On the properties of yoghurt, it has been experienced, both in animals and in human beings, and results demonstrate that the ingestion of yogurt after the extraction of a tumor in cancers of colon and of breast delays the appearance of a new tumor.  This does not want to say that it should treat the cancer, only we have found that consumption improves the digestibility of the fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which delays or prepares, according to the predisposition, the appearance of certain tumors. The metabolic mechanism of these effects explains because certain vine-stocks of these bacteria are capable of exercising the antitumoral share when chemical agents to disable carcinogenics. Also they activate the production of antibodies and of macrophages for what they improve the immunological system "helping to prepare infections or if, finally these take place, they do it with fewer virulence". 

This increase of natural defenses makes it specially propitious to treat the nervous anorexia, a disease in which the patient stops eating, degrading his immunological system of substantial form. Yoghurts have constituted a present food in the human nourishment. The existence of these bacteria - Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus termophilus - turns out to be determinant in order that yoghurt contributes its beneficial properties, though its presence, which maximum places approximately in 10 million colonies for gram, diminishes with the time.  The best thing is the product consumes one or two weeks before its caducity because it is when it contains more bacteria; after this date, still it supports the nourishing properties of the calcium or of the proteins, but the microorganisms disappear.

Also this food must support the chain of cold among zero and four degrees, because an exhibition to top temperatures finishes totally with the colony of bacteria. (7) Consume one yoghurt by day means to come to the doctor with fewer frequency, but numerous reasons of health exist to incorporate lacteal this one into the habitual diet.

Summarize, the benefits of yoghurt: 

· A cup of 250ml of skimmed natural yoghurt provides near 400 milligrams (mg) of calcium, more than them 300mg contents in a glass of milk of the same size. 

· Yoghurt also contains the same quantity of potassium that a banana, and the same quantity of protein that an egg or that 30g of meat. 

· Alive bacteria of yoghurt help to the digestion and protect against other harmful bacteria. 

In fact, it departs from the reputation of yoghurt as healthy food owes to the presence of alive bacteria. To make yoghurt, a culturing is done or one ferments the lukewarm milk with two types of bacteria. Though many of the bacteria can provoke diseases, these are beneficial, since they help to decompose the lactose (the natural sugar of the milk) and do that yoghurt is easier to digest that the milk, for those who have intolerance to the lactose. (8)

The problem of the lactose is avoided taking products fermented as yoghurt and kefir, since in the process of fermentation the lactose is transformed into lactic beneficial acid for our intestines. In many cheeses in the process of fermentation the lactose transforms in glucose and galactose or in lactic acid. The beneficial effect of yoghurt takes root in its content in Lactobacillus Bífidus that repopulates the intestinal intestinal flora, preparing the appearance of slightly desirable causative bacteria of rots and infections, whereas the acidity of the lactic acid favors the growth of Lactobacillus's beneficial colonies. (9)



1. Jano On-line y agencias. Yogurt contra las bacterias perjudiciales del intestino. [monografía en Internet]. Madrid: Ediciones Doyma S.L; 2006 [citado 6 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

2. Jano On-line y agencias. El yogurt natural ayuda a combatir la halitosis, las caries y las enfermedades de las encías. [monografía en Internet]. Madrid: Ediciones Doyma S.L; 2005 [citado 6 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

3. Jano On-line. Yogurt contra la halitosis. [monografía en Internet].Madrid: Ediciones Doyma S.L; 2005 [citado 4 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

4. Jano On Line. Más evidencias sobre los beneficios del yogurt para el sistema inmune. [monografía en Internet]. Barcelona: Ediciones Doyma S.L; 2000 [citado 8 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

5. Jano On-line. Yogurt para reducir el riesgo de diarrea. [monografía en Internet].Madrid: Ediciones Doyma S.L; 2001 [citado 8 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

6. Jano On-line. Trescientos científicos analizan en Barcelona los beneficios del yogurt. [monografía en Internet]. Barcelona: Ediciones Doyma S.L; 1999 [citado 8 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

7. Jano On Line. Estudios del CSIC ponen de manifiesto las propiedades saludables del yogurt. [monografía en Internet].Madrid: Ediciones Doyma S.L; 1999 [citado 8 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

8. Un estilo de vida saludable reduce el riesgo de cáncer. [Monografía en Internet]. Rochester: Mayo Clinic News en Español; 2005 may [citado 8 mar 2006]. Disponible en:

9. Cuevas Fernández O. Las ventajas del yogurt. [Monografía en Internet]. Barcelona: Asociación Vida Sana; 2006 [citado 7 mar 2006]. Disponible en:



Translation: Susana Carrillo – Mi Despacho Virtual

