Traducido por Lizette Reneé Juárez García

Years ago any doubt regarding paternity meant long and expensive legal proceedings that usually ended by accepting or rejecting the paternity after receiving the results of the test.

Nowadays has grown up an industry that solves this problem thanks to a large number of paternity tests that can be applied at home and they are very reliable; all you have to do is send the samples by post.

But all this traditional tests need a bloody sample. Now there are new tests that only need a buccal smear (a painless removal of a sample of cells from the lining of the mouth) to get the sample.

Once the sample is sent by post (or taken in the laboratory) it usually takes two or three weeks to know the results of the paternity test.

The cost of the test varies from one laboratory to another and it also depends of the country where it is applied. Even in the same laboratory there are different kinds of paternity tests with greater or lesser reliability and different prices.

The accuracy of the paternity test ranges from 99% to 99,999%.

These days we can find in the web enterprises in almost all the countries in the world and we can even contact them online so they can send to our homes the results of the paternity test.

All laboratories guarantee confidentiality and they don’t demand for the mother’s permission to do it.


· DNA Diagnostics Center Offers Legal Paternity Test Kits
· Paternity Testing Corporation - Accredited DNA Parentage Testing
· Paternity Testing : American Pregnancy Association
· Genex DNA Paternity Test
· DNA Paternity Test, Parentage Testing - Genelex
· DNA Bioscience - Paternity Test
· LabCorp DNA Identification Technologies - Paternity Testing Services
· BMA - Paternity testing
· Cellmark - DNA testing, paternity test, paternity testing
· DNA Paternity Testing - TNB Laboratories
· ChosenSite: Paternity Testing Pregnancy TESTS

Traducido por Lizette Reneé Juárez García