Origins of Addictive Behavior. A nature heritage or a neuropsychiatric nurtured reality?
Autor: Luis Alberto Coelho Rebelo Maia | Publicado:  19/05/2011 | Psicologia , Articulos | |
Origins of Addictive Behavior: a nature heritage or a neuropsychiatric nurtured reality .5

In terms of etiology, most attention in the drug abuse field has been focused on psychosocial factors that contributes to drug experimentation by adolescents (59).

A variety of community factors and individual vulnerabilities pressure drug abuse patterns and trends within a geographic area and throughout a particular phase and, contrasting with infectious diseases, drug abuse, and what kind of drugs are used by whom, is more prejudiced by social factors rather than biological ones. The author states, on the other hand, once subjects start on drug abuse, their brains and bodies suffers some alterations and biological and physiological factors happen to be added as important factors (53).

Despite everything that was stressed in this paper, the actual implications of drugs in terms of personal and social levels are shocking. The prison reality (punishment vs. forced treatment during incarceration?) (61-62), the social control strategies (63), direct effects in ruining careers (64), and in homelessness (65), disruptive behaviours (66), other health consequences, as altered sates of cortical activation and neuronal malfunction (67-69), neuropsychological deficits (70-72), and so on.

Furthermore, the complete disaster of scare strategies in drug use prevention is very important (73). Also, the role of media messages about addictive behaviour and deleterious substances or habits should strongly be revised (74). The future, as well as the real present, will probably force us to accept and implement more educative strategies than scaring or punishing strategies to avoid individual drug use initiation.

The answer to our work question: Addiction – nature or nurture? is, naturally, not available by now. However one thing seems to make sense to us. At the beginning of mankind drug use, most of then appear to be started as a recreational use, as part of rituals or cultural pantominas. Furthermore, generations after generations, drugs utilization, or if we prefer, addictive behaviour, became probably coded in our inheritance. Understanding the phenomena of Multifactorial Polygenic Heritage (the interactions of the psycho emotional subject, the environment and the “genetic subject”) could probably be very helpful in preventing and treating addictive behavior.


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