Varicose veins in lower extremities with reference to a town. Surgical technique
Autor: Dr. Antonio Carbonell-Tatay | Publicado:  15/06/2008 | | |
Varicose veins in lower extremities with reference to a town. Surgical technique.2

Superficial and deep venous systems of lower extremities.




Deep venous systems of lower extremity.


We study them for a period of 10 years, aiming at patients between the most frequent 25th Diagnosis Related Groups from our hospital, according to the diagnosis when they are released from hospital. We had 596 operated on patients, in whose procedure (always according to the DRG) it was applied a venous extraction of bond. This procedure has the 5th place among the 25th most frequent procedures of the General and Digestive Surgery service from our Center. Out of this 596 people, a saphenectomy has been performed to 579 people and a bond or cut has been performed to 17 of them.




We count 408 women and 188 men. That is to say, the intervention in women corresponded to a 68,45% of the total interventions.


The distribution according to ages was as follows:




People older than 50 represented a 59,3%, having a lower incidence among people younger than 30. Out of 596 operated on patients, only 17 of them were treated by means of a second intervention in order to bond residual varicose veins. In the diagnosis, a doppler ultrasound scan was used as a help for dismissing possible deep thrombosis, as well as for identifying malformations (3) and (4).


The technique par excellence was the classic saphenectomy:






Careful dissection of the stick of the inner saphena. The attached images are taken from patients operated on at our center.




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