A new behavioural pattern can combat heart disease
Autor: Preciada Azancot Medina | Publicado:  25/11/2009 | | |
A new behavioural pattern can combat heart disease .1

A new behavioural pattern can combat heart disease


Preciada Azancot Medina

MAT Creator


Javier Soto Álvarez

Doctor (pharmacologist)



State of the art: To date, the tools that have served to support heart disease have been behavioural patterns type A and type B which, although useful for identifying the type of emotional conduct that favours heart disease, were insufficiently scientific to help understand said behaviours – in other words, the beliefs that give rise to them –or to genuinely eradicate them, by replacing these life attitudes with other healthier and even curative ones if the damage had already been done. This is the support tool that we present here today.


Methodology: The new reference science: MAT.


Verified in more than 60,000 cases with total success over twenty two years of voluntary isolation, now for the first time comes to light a precise science of human functioning: MAT (the Metamodel of Transformational Analysis). MAT is the emotional and sensory engineering of the six-dimensional universal human structure. Created by Preciada Azancot Medina, a successful consultant specialised for more than thirty years in the Management of Strategic Change Processes, PhD in Law, engineer of organisations and methods, Transactional Analysis psychologist, writer, artist, founder and president of MAT21 (Web: www.mat21.net), MAT represents a significant advance in knowledge of how the human being functions. There are already more than a dozen books available on MAT, most of them written by its creator, revealing her discoveries and its applications. Here we will merely summarise the bases of this new science and its scope in the prevention and treatment of heart disease.


During more than two years at the Hospital Universitario de la Princesa in Madrid, under the supervision and tutelage of Doctor Graciano Martín Pérez, head of the cardiology service and with the collaboration of noted specialist doctors, MAT’s creator researched the MAT behavioral patterns in patients suffering from high risk diseases, with novel results.  This research was carried out full-time between May 1990 and June 1992. Since then, MAT’s creator has put her discoveries into practice on her analysed patients, with significant outcomes.


MAT demonstrates that the human structure is not four-dimensional as believed by the ancient Greeks. The human structure is six-dimensional. Each dimension corresponds to a structure, or installation, whose function is to make us perfectly capable of satisfying one of our six basic and indispensable needs for life. These are, contrary to what is believed since Abraham Maslow, innate. They are six, not four and learned as he believed (safety, belonging, status and self-realisation). Plus, they are installed in our innate functional engineering in a very precise hierarchical sequence, which is also innate.


According to MAT’s conclusions, these universal needs and functions are in this hierarchy and order: safety, development, justice, transformation, belonging and plenitude. They are sequential, in this exact hierarchical order.


Human emotions, according to MAT, are not unpredictable and uncontrollable states of mind. Authentic emotions are the only intelligent and innate highly specialized energies capable of making each of our structures function correctly. And therefore, there are six authentic emotions and in this order: fear, sadness, anger, pride, love and joy. Authentic fear is responsible for safety, sadness for development, anger for justice, pride for transformation, love for belonging and joy for plenitude.


Authentic emotions are those that correspond in quality, intensity and duration to the stimulus that provokes them. These stimuli are captured by our senses, which are not five, rather six – sex being a highly defined and specialized sense – each one equally specialized in stimulating one of our structures, and requesting the corresponding emotion: i.e. touch, hearing, smell, taste, sight, and sex; in this hierarchical order.


MAT redefines each of our authentic emotions, because the definitions that we know are inaccurate. MAT’s definitions are as follows:


  • Fear, is the innate capacity to perceive threats to our own or to others’ integrity.
  • Sadness is the innate capacity to perceive temporary or definitive losses of what is valuable and what is alive.
  • Anger is the innate capacity to perceive and react against lies, manipulations and aggressions.
  • Pride is the innate capacity to transform (and to transform oneself) through growth, discovery and creation.
  • Love is the innate capacity to create (and to create for oneself) a safe space where one can be what one was born to be (preserving what we were given and recovering what we lost).
  • Joy is the innate capacity to find truth in order to flow in peace and to experience relief by removing dead weights from one’s life.


When we allow each of our structures to be fed by its corresponding emotion connected to its appropriate sense, we function properly and our physical and psychological health is guaranteed.


MAT’s research into high risk diseases has located, identified and verified typical emotional dysfunctions of patients suffering from the investigated high risk diseases. These characteristic dysfunctions comprise behavioural patterns – absolutely correlated to precise deviations from the corresponding engineering pattern – which can be perfectly identified and corrected through MAT. The MAT behavioural patterns that favour various diseases have already been identified – a different behavioural pattern per disease – for heart disease, cancer, AIDS, lung disease, neurological diseases, nutritional and endocrine diseases as well as the six types of psychosis and the eight types of sociopath. In this article we look only at heart disease. We would like to make it very clear that the conclusions we present apply exclusively to heart disease and not to any other disease. Not even to obesity, smoking and high cholesterol, which each have a different emotional cause.


For the time being, the creator of MAT simply invites universities and foundations working on heart disease to verify and document the already discovered behavioural patterns and even to apply their correction not only in the context of prevention, but also as a treatment to support the drugs prescribed for these diseases. These behavioural patterns have been objectified and simplified in such a way that together with her team of MAT21 teachers and consultants, the creator is in a position to instruct doctors and patients in less than six months of training. This is because prevention and treatment of a specific disease requires only a brief and well-defined training course. This is not the case with MAT as a whole, which requires a thirteen-year investment of intense and thorough dedication.


MAT behavioural pattern of the potential heart patient:


In an in-depth study of 504 heart patients with confirmed diagnoses at the cardiology division of the Hospital de la Princesa in Madrid, in 93% of cases patients shared the same behavioural pattern, which revealed the same dysfunction of their emotional functioning engineering pattern: instead of authentic sadness, they reacted with resentful anger, and instead of authentic anger, they felt and acted with conformist and defeatist depression.

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