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Publicado por: jeancarlo
Asunto: Re: Rinoplastia Estructurada

I had a septoplasty/rhinoplasty by a well known doctor in Dallas, TX back in 2010. Even though I did not have any complications post-surgery, I was never happy with how my nose looked. It was still deviated, and the nose tip had dropped as well. It was not until 2018 that I decided to have a second septoplasty/rhinoplasty. I am originally from Lima, Peru and have visited my family that resides there many times. Having said that, two of my cousins did their “nose job” at Rinofacial clinic, and had nothing but good things to say about their experience. I did a lot more research about who to go with, and visited a couple of surgeons in Lima but in the end I decided to go to Rinofacial clinic in Surco, Lima Peru. I am glad that I ended upgoing there. They took great care of me from beginning to end and was very detailed on what the results would be after surgery. I am really happy with how my nose looks now. It is not dropped anymore and it has a good shape from the side. The medical stuff at Rinofacial clinic including nurses, anesthesiologists, cardiologist and plastic surgeons were very professional and always asked me how I was feeling as I was going through the procedure. I would definitely recommend Rinofacial clinic to my family and friends!!

Thank you so much!


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