Xiaflex, el tratamiento para la enfermedad de peyronie. Endo Pharmacauticals ha descontinuado la venta de la inyección de colagenasa de Clostridium Histolyticum (CCH) en Australia y Asia, y planea hacer lo mismo en toda Europa para fines de 2019. El laboratorio estadounidense ha decidido retirarla por razones económicas. Como resultado, el medicamento ya no está disponible, excepto en los EE. UU. Y Canadá. Ahora las únicas opciones de tratamiento para la enfermedad de Peyronie son la cirugía o el dispositivo de tracción del pene (solo o combinado con PRP), en el resto del mundo. Ver carta oficial:

Dear Healthcare Professional

This letter is to inform you that Sobi will discontinue the commercialisation of XIAPEX by the end of 2019.

XIAPEX is a product owned by Endo Ventures Limited (‘Endo’). Currently, XIAPEX is commercialised in the EU and other European and Middle Eastern countries by Sobi. Endo and Sobi have agreed to terminate the cooperation agreement for Xiapex effective December 31, 2019. The decision to withdraw is not based on safety or efficacy concerns.

Endo and Sobi are committed to managing the de-registration of Xiapex from the Sobi territories in an ethical and transparent manner and Sobi will process the withdrawal of the EU Marketing Authorisation, which will be effective from 1 March, 2020.

Please be assured that the wellbeing of patients during the discontinuation process is of paramount importance to Sobi and we are committed to the safety and comfort of all patients during the process of transition to other therapies. We want to emphasize that, subject to product availability from our supplier, Sobi is committed to providing XIAPEX up until the end of 2019.

We would like to thank you for your interest in XIAPEX over the years and deeply regret any inconvenience this may cause you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience.

After de-registration, all enquiries, questions or requests for Named Patient Use of Xiapex must be referred directly to Endo. Contact www.endo.com/contact

Yours Sincerely,
Carolyne Dyson
Business Unit Director
