A good handbook of library ejournal list with stanford university!!

Un buen manual con listas de librerías y revistas en linea incluye las mejores universidades

Dear friends: Do you know how to find out database quickly without entering so many university libraries and search the web again and again? Do you know what databases does a library have? You will recommend google search engine, but does it provide you enough and prcise information? No!So we made up this handbook for you guys as an index of library resource menu, for you to get to any database or journal without entering lots of university librares.
Amigos: Sabes como encontrar bases de datos rapidamente sin tener que entrar en cada libreria universitaria o buscar en la web una y otra vez?
aca encontraras el manual con informacion full text sin ingresar a librerias universitarias

here is the handbook! (aca esta el manual)
You can download the hand book here (puedes bajartelo de aqui)


Editado por medicine man (25/06/09 09:26 PM)