Homeopathy attempts to treat the sick with extremely diluted agents that, in undiluted doses, produce similar symptoms in the healthy. However, processes used cause the dose to be exactly zero in most cases, meaning there is not a single active molecule present in the solution. Its adherents and practitioners assert that the therapeutic potency of a remedy can be increased by serial dilution of the drug, combined with succussion, or vigorous shaking. Homeopathy regards diseases as morbid derangements of the organism,[4] and states that instances of disease in different people differ fundamentally.

Sólo con leer eso, sacado del artículo en "iglés" de la wikipedia, ya es suficiente como para que a cualquiera se le caiga la cara de vergüenza. Qué es lo que no se entiende? el inglés? o que tan sólo es una forma de timar a la gente con elegantes palabras en latín?