Implicaciones Bioeticas de los Estudios de Calidad de Vida QALYs. ¿La Problematica del Universo Teleologico Antropico, Nos plantea el Problema de una Ley Moral Universal? ¿Debemos Respetar la Dignidad Humana del Discapacitado?
Autor: Dr. Juan Herrera Salazar | Publicado:  15/03/2011 | Etica, Bioetica. Etica medica. Etica en Enfermeria , Articulos | |
Implicaciones Bioeticas de los Estudios de Calidad de Vida QALYs .22

114.a Mill Stuart John. Standford Encyclopedia: The Classical Approach

1.1 Jeremy Bentham, 2.2 John Stuart Mill … Mill then continues to argue that people desire happiness — the utilitarian end — and that the general happiness is “a good to the aggregate of all persons.”.

115.a Singer Peter, escritos que se refieren a este controvertido bioeticista: Arquitectos de la Cultura de la Muerte: De Marco Donald, Benjamin D Wike. Singer, Peter, 1972, “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1: 229–43 1999, “Living High and Letting Die,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 59: 183–87. 1993, Practical Ethics, 2d edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. International justice has only recently become a serious topic within political philosophy. Philosophers have, of course, long debated certain moral aspects of international politics; the morality... Peter Singer's seminal 1972 article on the moral legitimacy of famine.Singer's article remains influential, in part because of its singular potency in pointing to the gap between our moral principles...

116. Marcus Tullius Cicero: De Republica:
“ Est quidem vera lex recta ratio naturae, diffusa in omnes, constans, sempiterna, quae vocet ad officium jubendo, vetendo a fraude deterreat;...Huic legi non abrogari fas est neque derogari ex hac aliquid licet neque tota abrogari potest, nec vero aut per senatum aut per populum solvi hac lege possumus, neque est quaerendus explanator aut interpres eius alius, nec erit alia lex Romae, alia Athenis, alia nunc, alia posthac, sed et homnes gentes et omni gentes et omni tempore una lex et sempiterna et immutabilis continebit, unusque erit communis quasi magister et imperatur omnium deus, ille legis huius inventor, disceptator, lator; cui qui non parebit, ipse se fugiet ac naturam hominis aspernatus hoc ipso luet maximas poenas, etiamsi cetera supplicia, quae putantur, effugerit.

117. L. Annaei Senecae. Epistulae morales ad lucilium.
Seneca Epistulae Morales - Liber I
Seneca, insieme a Cicerone, rappresenta l’esponente più significativo della prosa filosofica romana: egli esprime la sua concezione della vita e dell’uomo nelle Epistulae ad Lucilium, l’opera filosofica più profonda ai fini della comprensione del suo messaggio. In tale opera (58, 32 – 37) viene ripresa ed elaborata in maniera personale la dottrina stoica del suicidio. Esso è lecito e addirittura doveroso, quando all’uomo diventa impossibile vivere secondo natura, ossia secondo la retta ragione, la sapienza e la virtù. Per Seneca, infatti, chiunque non è più padrone delle sue capacità razionali, avendo perso il senso e lo scopo della vita, deve porre fine ai suoi giorni

La Etica de la Virtud y el Principialismo Etico en los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, se enfrentan y han dado lugar a una serie de publicaciones que recomendamos para tener una panorama del debate actual, que repercute en un nuestra América Hispana:

Veatch RM. "Do not resuscitate" orders: an ethical analysis. En: Veatch RM. The patient-physician relation: the patient as partner. Part 2. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; 1991: 240-249. (Medical ethics series.)
Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. Principles of biomedical ethics. 3a ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 1989:215-218.
Buchanan A. The physician's knowledge and the patient's best interest. En: Pellegrino ED, Veatch RM, Langan JP. Ethics, trust and the professions. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press; 1991:93-112.
Pellegrino ED. Trust and distrust in the professional ethic. En: Pellegrino ED, Veatch RM, Langan JP. Ethics, trust and the professions. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press; 1991:69-89.
Pellegrino ED, Tomasma DC. For the patient's good: the restoration of beneficence in health care. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998: 73-91.
Personalismo algunas lecturas complementarias aconsejadas en relación al personalismo, vista la historia antigua y su desarrollo reciente, ver personalismos ateos:

Standford Encyclopedia of Phylosophy: Personalism First published Thu Nov 12, 2009
• Bowne, Borden Parker, 1908, Personalism, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
• Brightman Edgar S., 1932, Is God a Person?, New York: Association Press.
• Brightman, Edgar S. (ed.), 1943. Personalism in Theology: A Symposium in Honor of Albert Cornelius Knudson, Boston: Boston University Press.
• Brightman, Edgar S., 1952, Persons and Values, Boston: Boston University Press.
• Buber, Martin, 1923, Ich und Du, trans. I and Thou by Ronald Gregor Smith, second edition, Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1987.
• Flewelling, Ralph Tyler, 1926, Creative Personality, Introduction by H. Wildon Carr. New York: Macmillan Co.
• Flewelling, Ralph Tyler and Rudolph Eucken, 1915, Personalism and the Problems of Philosophy: An Appreciation of the Work of Borden Parker Bowne, New York/Cincinnati: The Methodist Book Concern.
• Gilson, Étienne, 1932, L'esprit de la philosophie médiévale, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin. (See especially ch. 10, “Le personnalisme chrétien”: 195–215.)
• Guardini, Romano, 1955, Welt und Person., Versuche zur christlichen Lehre vom Menschen, Würzburg: Werkbund-Verlag.
• Knudson, Albert Cornelius, 1927, The Philosophy of Personalism. New York: The Abingdon Press.
• Kohák, Erazim, 1984, The Embers and the Stars. A Philosophical Inquiry into the Moral Sense of Nature, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
• Lahbabi, Mohammed Aziz, 1964, Le personnalisme musulman, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
• Macmurray, John, 1961a, Persons in Relation, London: Faber and Faber.
• Macmurray, John, 1961b, The Self As Agent, London: Faber and Faber.
• Marcel, Gabriel, 1963, The Existential Background of Human Dignity, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
• Maritain, Jacques, 1947, La personne et le bien commun, trans. The Person and the Common Good, by John J. Fitzgerald, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985.
• Maritain, Jacques, 1945, The Rights of Man and Natural Law. Glasgow: Robert Maclehose and Co./The University Press.
• Mounier, Emmanuel, 1950, Le personnalisme, trans. Personalism, by Philip Mairet, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1952.
• Mounier, Emmanuel, 1938, A Personalist Manifesto, Trans. from the French by the monks of St. John's Abbey. New York: Longmans, Green and Co..
• Renouvier Charles B., 1903, Le personnalisme, Paris: F. Alcan.
• Scheler, Max, 1913 [1916], Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik, in Gesammelte Werke, 2. Bern (Francke) 5, 1966;Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values: A New Attempt Toward A Foundation of An Ethical Personalism, Trans. Manfred S. Frings and Roger L. Funk. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1973.
• Stern, William, 1906, Person und Sache. System der philosophischen Weltanschauung, Bd. I. Ableitung und Grundlehre. Leipzig: J. A. Barth.
• Stern, William, 1923/1924, Person und Sache: System des kritischen Personalismus, Leipzig: J. A. Barth.
• Tillich, Paul, 1955, Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
• Wojtyła, Karol, 1969, Osoba i czyn, trans. The Acting Person, from the Polish, by Andrzej Potocki, Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1979.
• Wojtyła, Karol, 1960, Milosc I Odpowiedzialnosc, trans. Love and Responsibility, from the Polish by H. T. Willetts, New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1995..
• Wojtyła, Karol, 1993a, “The Personal Structure of Self-Determination,” trans. from the Polish by Theresa Sandok, in Person and Community: Selected Essays, volume 4 of Catholic Thought from Lublin, ed. Andrew N. Woznicki: 187–95. New York: Peter Lang.
• Wojtyła, Karol, 1993b, “Subjectivity and the Irreducible in the Human Being,” trans. from the Polish by Theresa Sandok, in Person and Community: Selected Essays, vol. 4 of Catholic Thought from Lublin, ed. Andrew N. Woznicki: 209–17. New York: Peter Lang, 1993.

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