Estrategia didactica para desarrollar habilidades de lectura en los estudiantes de Servicios Farmaceuticos. Parte 2. Anexos
Autor: MSc. Dayanay Collado Almeida | Publicado:  13/07/2012 | Formacion en Ciencias de la Salud , Articulos | |
Estrategia didactica habilidades de lectura estudiantes de Servicios Farmaceuticos. Anexos .14

b) Entre las ventajas del uso de las lecturas en IFE como trabajo independiente se pueden señalar las siguientes:

Ofrece oportunidades para aplicar las habilidades adquiridas.
Permite al profesor evaluar el progreso de los estudiantes.
Prepara a los estudiantes para futuras actividades.
Favorece el desarrollo de habilidades según las diferencias individuales de los estudiantes.
Refuerza rasgos de la personalidad del profesor.
El trabajo independiente tanto individual como colectivo fuera de la clase facilita el reencuentro de los estudiantes con el idioma Inglés en condiciones diferentes a las que se presentan en el aula.
Limita la independencia cognoscitiva, limitándolos en la búsqueda de diversas vías de aprendizaje.
Permita a los estudiantes elegir modelos lingüísticos que le son necesarios para la realización de las tareas comunicativas de lectura que les son asignadas.

Actividad 3

Como trabajo independiente para el primer año del perfil Servicios Farmacéuticos se proponen las siguientes tareas extractases:

a) Analice en su equipo la propuesta y explique si las considera adecuadas o no para el nivel de los estudiantes.
b) Discuta sobre el tipo de interrelaciones que se establecen en las mismas.

Tarea extra clase para la signatura Inglés I

Read this friendly letter from a pharmaceutical technologist who lives in Matanzas. Cienfuegos, April 22nd 2010.
Dear friend:

I am a first year student of Pharmacy at the University of Medical Sciences “Dr. Raúl Dorticós Torrado” from Cienfuegos province. I am happy in this school. Our professors are good and the classes are excellent. From Monday to Friday, we start our morning classes at 8.00 a.m. until 12.30 a.m and in the afternoon; we sometimes finish our classes at 5.40. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon and each one lasts 90 minutes. We have five minutes between each class. We have interesting subjects such as Biochemestry, Biology, and Physiology and English. I like English very much and I am learning interesting things about Pharmacy.
On Wednesday and Friday, I practice at the Pharmacy. I enjoy this activity very much, and

I learn too.
After classes, we always practice sports and sometimes we go to the center of the city for entertainment.
Our school is big and near the hospital. I like my school my classmates and my professors. What about you?
Write soon,


a. Contrast his activities with your activities. Be ready to discuss them.
b. Find out similarities and differences between his activities and your activities.

2. Answer the letter to your friend. Use the following items.

Activities at the pharmacy
Physical appearance and personality traits.
The clients at the pharmacy and your tasks with them

Tarea extra clase para la asignatura Inglés II.

Read this article:

Hospitals are institutions that offer medical services to sick patients. Hospitals employ medical, nursing, and support staff to care. The doctors in hospitals diagnose and give medical treatment of physical and mental health problems.
The staff develops many activities such as surgery, rehabilitation, health education programs, and nursing and medical training. Many hospitals also serve as centers for innovative research and medical technology.
The typical organization of a hospital include medical departments, or units, such as an emergency room, surgical suites, intensive care units (ICUs), pediatric and maternity wards, and departments of radiology, anesthesiology, pathology, and rehabilitative medicine and a pharmacy.
A hospital’s emergency has doctors, nurses and students 24 hours a day. The surgical suites include the operating rooms for surgical procedures and postoperative recovery rooms.

Hospitals also have departments that assist in the treatment of patients in their day-to-day care. The department of radiology provides images of the body the anesthesiology department works with doctors to provide anesthesia for a patient during surgery and pain relief after surgery; and the pathology department examines body tissues in a laboratory to diagnose disease.

The pharmacy dispenses the medications that the doctors order. The pharmacist’s advise on alternative drug regimens for individual patients.
The hospital is a complex institution that saves life.

a. Suggest a title for the text.
b. Write down the main idea of the text:
c. Select 2 supporting ideas

Referencias Bibliográficas

1. Eustache Ude, Louis. (1890). Biografía. Retrieved from
2. Paracelsus, P. (2007). British Encyclopedia.
3. Peacock. (1997). The Stabilyty of Injectable Medications. Volume 4; Number 5a.
4. Napoleón, Bonaparte. (1999). Una biografía íntima. Santiago: Zeta. ISBN: 9568144715.

Bibliografía Consultada

Barber, P. (1962). Physical Compatibility Update Preoperative Medications. Hospital
Dudley-Evans, T. (1998). Handbook of Injectable Drugs. 5ta Ed. American Society of
Hospital Pharmacists.
Ewer y Hughes-Davies. (1971). Peter Norton’s DOS Guide. Erd Edition. Brady, New York.
Halliday, McIntosh. (1984). Physiochemical Determinants of Incompatibility and Instability in Injectable Drug Solutions and Admixtures. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy.
Herbert, J. (1985). The structure of Technical English. Ciudad de la Habana. Editorial Pueblo y Educación.
Strevens. (2006). Task-based interaction. IFE. Retrieved from
Swales, J. (1990). Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice. Second Edition, Williams& Wilkins.
The Bantam Medical Dictionary. Bantam Books. (1982). (Revolucionaria) La Habana.
Vincent, E. (1972). Pharmacy Certified Technician. Training Manual. MichiganPharmacists Asociation.
Widdowson. (1990). Pharmacy Law Digest. Michigan Pharmacists Association.

Otras partes de este trabajo
Este trabajo consta de distintas partes. A continuación se listan todas:
  1. Estrategia didactica para desarrollar habilidades de lectura en los estudiantes de Servicios Farmaceuticos
  2. Estrategia didactica para desarrollar habilidades de lectura en los estudiantes de Servicios Farmaceuticos. Parte 2. Anexos

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